<!DOCTYPE HTML> is the tag to let the web browser know this is an html document

<head> tag contains meta data <meta>, and title

<body> tag contains the contents of the html document

Tags that go under the body tag

<nav> navigational elements
<main> contains the main context of the webpage
<article> is for articles

<section> #Sections usually used for articles, usually have headers <h#> in sections
<aside> # Side notes, doesn't actually move whatever to the side
<footer> # Bottom of the webpage

<img width="px#" height="px#" src="/path/to/img or url" atl="path/url alt image"/>
- Or set only width or height and it will keep the same aspect ratio

- Or use % instead of pixel number

## Lists

#Unordered list ul, list item li
    #ol instead of ul ordered list, will display numbers

#description list, description term, dd descript
 <dd>it's y</dd>

## Tables, tr table row, td table data (is like column), th table header, thead table head, tbody table body, thead and tbody don't change the looks 
  <baption>list of numbers</caption>
   <td colspan="2">one</td>

## Container

block vs inline elements
a block element